Reach Out

You’re not alone. Many of us that have recovered from Mind-Body Syndrome know how important it is to have support. For myself, recovery depended on it.

Contact me.

Joi Sharp
PO Box 414
Ridgway, CO 81432


Mind-Body Coach. Both private consultations and group coaching calls. Free daily videos on YouTube @Pain Free You.
An excellent selection of books laying out his formula for change: blogs, FAQs”s, and meditations. 

Hundreds of inspirational testimonials on YouTube Dr. Joe Dispenza Stories of Transformation. 
Public Forum with both Dr. Howard Schubiner and Alan Gordon. Lots of information. Search by symptom, success stories, and free psychological program. 
Dr. Howard Schubiner’s website and book. Great education section in his book! 
Alan Gordon founder. Somatic Tracking and more in-depth psychotherapy to help with traumatic patterns learned in childhood.
This is an app for the phone. Excellent education section, expert interviews, success stories, exercises

Mind-Body Prescription by Dr. John Sarno, M.D.

The Way Out by Alan Gordon LCSW

Unlearn Your Pain by Dr. Howard Schubiner

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Meaning of Truth by Nicole Sachs LCSW